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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The third Azerbaijani bank introduced lending on the basis of e-reference provided by the e-government portal (

According to the Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies, the relevant agreement has been signed between the AccessBank and the Data Processing Center operating under the Ministry.

The services on issue of e-references will be available in the Bank’s central office and branches.

The process of transfer to bank lending on the basis of e-reference confirming the borrower’s income started on June 17 when the Data Processing Center concluded agreement with the Bank of Baku. Later UniBank joined the agreement.

Today 44 banks operate in the country and in 2015 their number can be reduced by 5-6 credit institutions.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 29.10.2014

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