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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A delegation headed by Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Abbasov was on an official visit to Japan at the invitation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country.

The purpose of the visit was further expansion of relations between the two countries in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Along with the employees from the ministry, the delegation included government officials, representatives of ICT companies. Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Japan Gursel Ismailzade participated in the visit program.

During the five-day visit, meetings were held with State Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, and Azerbaijan-Japan cooperation in ICT field, in particular IT park, cooperation in the field of telecommunications and the aerospace industry were discussed. During the talks, the sides demonstrated positive position on the development of legal framework in this area between the two countries. At the same time, representatives familiarized themselves with the activities of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, High Technology Center (TEPIA), and Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK).

The guests were informed in detail about manufacturing processes and latest projects at the meetings held with well-known companies such as Mitsubishi, NEC, Panasonic that are engaged in the manufacture of equipment in the field of ICT and electronics sector. During the meetings the sides exchanged views on prospects for cooperation. Appreciating the results of the visit, Minister Ali Abbasov said to special correspondent of Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency (AzerTAc) in Japan that country gives special attention to cooperation with Japan, which is a leading country in the field of technology-oriented and innovative economy.

“At the meetings held during the visit we saw that the Japan’s leadership highly assesses the bilateral relations. The main purpose of our visit was to discuss the basic principles of cooperation with Japan in this regard. We brought to the attention of Japanese side main policy directions of the government of Azerbaijan pursued for technological progress, which is very important for the development of human resources, as well as creating a suitable business environment to facilitate Azerbaijani companies’ access to the financial resources. It was highly appreciated by relevant agencies of the Japanese government.

Our second main goal was to hold discussions with a number of Japan’s cutting-edge technology companies. The main interest of the Japanese side was relevant projects that are related to the implementation of the space program in Azerbaijan, as well as organization of electronic and information services. During the discussions, we were able to attract the attention of leading Japanese companies and investors to the projects ongoing in Azerbaijan.

The third major point in talks was to expand presence of our companies in foreign markets in partnership with Japan’s leading companies and Azerbaijan’s local IT technology companies, as well as the issue of their cooperation in the production of goods and services to enhance Azerbaijan’s technological export potential. The agreements reached in this direction will be very good basis for future cooperation.”

The visit of Azerbaijani delegation met with interest by the Japanese media, Ibaraki Shimbun, Sankey Shimbun and Nikkei Shimbun newspaper wrote about the visit, and reported the interviews given by head of delegation Minister Ali Abbasov, AzerTAc reports.


Quelle/Source: News.Az, 14.12.2013

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