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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Starting from next year Labor and Social Protection Ministry transfers some of its services to electronic format.

The report from Communication and Information Technologies Ministry says that starting from next year Labor Ministry will present services on reception of applications for targeted social assistance in electronic form.

"Work in this direction will be first of all held in 11 Baku districts and the country’s 14 cities and regions", - the report says.

Labor Ministry in advance realized pilot projects in Balaken and Jalilabad success of which enabled to expand coverage zone of provided social services.

The chief feature of new application mechanism is that inquiry forms for reception of targeted social assistance are admitted both in on line regime and through postal departments’ services.

After admission of document through e-mail the applicant gets information on status of his application. In the nearest future it is also planned to provide opportunity for reception of targeted social assistance through SMS in mobile phone. So far 15 state establishments have been connected to Azerbaijan’s e-government portal which render 49 types of electronic services.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 22.12.2011

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