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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The opposition Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (AXCP) proposes to organize direct responses to questions between voters and MPs with use of modern IT-technology.

Party’s deputy chairman Razi Nurullayev called the parliamentarians to begin answering voters’ questions via the Internet.

"The Internet can serve as interlink between citizens and functionaries, and is able to eliminate virtually all the obstacles. Within E-Government Project the barrier between voters and MPs should be removed, and the voter must receive an answer from the MP to any his question. Social network platform FormSpring ( can be used for that.

In many countries prominent politicians, parliamentarians and officials have already using this platform to create pages to answer citizens’ questions in real time," Nurullayev said.

In his view, this platform opens such an opportunity for everybody.

"Many MPs are not responsible to the voters who want discussion of their problems and suggestions from the parliamentary tribune. Of course, solution of social problems of individual voters does not relate to competence of MPs, but the Azerbaijani voters lose confidence in Parliament – a hope should be placed in people electing parliament. As a result, each MP must increase his responsibility to the voters. Internet must be used in this connection to communicate with the voters for their own benefit and the benefit of the society," Nurullayev believes.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 21.11.2011

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