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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Baku hosts presentation of the system of on-line registration of individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without establishing a legal entity.

Deputy tax minister Natig Amirov informs that via the system individual entrepreneur, without losing time on a visit to tax authorities, will be registered in the Tax Internet Department through web user code and password.

"According to preliminary estimates, introduction of the system contributed to the economy of 1 million manat, accelerated the registration procedure from 2 days to 2 minutes, and created a new service within e-government. The system ensures transparency of tax authorities’ activities and promotes to growth in the number of registered taxpayers through the Internet," Amirov said.

Since the beginning of the year there have been registered 30 809 individual entrepreneurs, i.e. by 39.3% more compared to the last year’s same period. Single registration system transmits in on-line regime the information on the private entrepreneur to the State Social Protection Fund, State Statistics Committee, State Customs Committee and the Bank, in which the employer intends to open an account.

The updated website of the Tax Internet Department contains e-applications for registration, opening of bank accounts, stoppage of activity, and registration for VAT payment by private entrepreneurs.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 07.07.2011

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