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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Introduction of electronic control system in the Ministry of Economic Development of Azerbaijan has contributed to the economy of 3,000 tons of paper.

Deputy minister of economic development Sevinj Hasanova says that introduction of an e-control system in the MED contributed to the growth in internal flow of documents

"As a result of the introduction of the e-control system Ministry’s flow of documents rose 5-fold up to 12,700 letters, while previously it reached 2,400 service letters a year,” Hasanova emphasized.

According to the deputy minister, the Ministry’s Administration used about 600,000 sheets of paper a year that is equivalent to an area of 37,400 sq m, about 3 tons of clean paper and 90,000 of exercise books.

"Full introduction of an e-control system will lead to significant savings of natural and financial resources. Application of the system contributes to the efficiency of work, effective use of human resources and ensuring transparency of Ministry’s activity," Hasanova said.

She added that introduction of the system provided MED integration into e-Government system and increased opportunities for appeals by citizens to governmental agencies.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 01.07.2011

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