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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies of Azerbaijan (MCIT) in three months to submit final version of State Programme of Communications & ICT for 2009-12.

Rufat Gulmammadov, the MCIT Information Society Department’s director, said that the workgroup is works on preparation the second stage of the programme “E-Azerbaijan”.

“In two or three months we will discuss its final version. After its adoption we will apply such projects as e-government, regional innovation zones, technoparks,” R.Gulmammadov said.

The Programme will continue E-Azerbaijan Programme to be valid until 2008. At present the country is applying State Programme of Information & Communication Technologies (E-Azerbaijan) for 2005-08. The fresh programme will set a challenge of full realization of ICT sector potential to bring it to the leading position (along with oil and gas sector) in economy of Azerbaijan.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 28.04.2008

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