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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
he Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies (MCIT) of Azerbaijan is starting E-Government Project of World Bank Group in Azerbaijan.

Communications minister Ali Abbasov informed that e-government project negotiations with WBG have been conducted.

“The Bank has already given its preliminary consent on project realization,” the minister said.

The MCIT expects a $30 million WBG loan for E-Government Project already in 2008 fiscal year.

E-Government Project includes integration of information systems of various governmental agencies and a possibility to use the system by the population. In accordance with the European Union standards the population will be able to enjoy 24 kinds of services. For that purpose the MCIT is ready to provide high-speed Internet for the country’s population.

Azerbaijan has already obtained 40-fold increase of Internet access speed and today this speed reaches 6 Gbps.

Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 23.11.2007

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