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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

On Friday, the head of the administration e-government development center said that about 23 priority projects have to be implemented by various organizations for promoting e-government in Iran. Some of the projects on the agenda include e-tax, e-signature, e-health, and smart identity, said Sharareh Bakhtjou.

She explained that the projects would be completed by the end of March 2021. She added that the implementation of these projects would not only solve the problems of the citizens but also improve the e-government. She said that a working group comprising of our members was already formed for monitoring the activities of e-government.

In mid-June, the executive council secretary of the Information Technology, Reza Baqeri Asl said that the target of e-government had been realized by 62.8% in the country before March 21st.

He said that a hundred and five organizations had been monitored and that their general score in several parts are e-portal eighty-four percent, and the presence at web was 66.9 percent, the interaction services were 70.44 percent, the transaction service 70.22 percent and lastly the service integration was 50.19 percent.

Iran has remarkably moved twenty notches up and now ranks eighty-six among 193 countries that are in the E-Government Development Index (EGDI 2018) of United Nations that was released in the month of July 2018, as compared to the EGDI 2017.

In the month of December 2018, the head, Amir Nazemi, of Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO) stated that more than five million Iranians had got the electronic documents and also 5.138 million of their citizens were benefitting from e-government services.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Shreyas Tanna

Quelle/Source: A Market Reports World, 07.08.2019

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