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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Over 5 million Iranians have got electronic documents up to now, the head of Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO) Amir Nazemi announced on his Twitter account, Mehr reported on Monday.

Until December 16, 5.138 million citizens benefited from e-government services, he said.

Through registration of smart card for gasoline the electronic documents are activated for citizens, he explained.

Iran started issuing smart cards for purchasing gasoline on Monday through “Mobile Government” - the first phase of e-government services project which came on stream in May.

Applicants can register through the application or the website of Mobile Government. Through the project, the gasoline smart cards, which were used for rationing fuel in past years, is now connected to the bank cards for easy payment.

The mobile government aims to facilitate some government services, reduce unnecessary expenses and ease traffic jam, which is the main cause of air pollution in big cities.

It is based on the National Information Network, an ongoing project to develop a secure and stable infrastructure network in the country.


Quelle/Source: Tehran Times, 18.12.2018

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