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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Initiative in Brazil’s second largest city leverages $10m commitment by the Climate Pledge to accelerate deployment of zero-tailpipe-emission electric trucks.

The Climate Pledge, in collaboration with C40 Cities, has launched the Laneshift initiative for zero-tailpipe-emission freight vehicles in Rio de Janeiro.

In Rio, the road transport sector is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), accounting for 36 per cent of the total. To reduce GHGs, Rio’s local authorities, including the Municipal Department of Transport and the Traffic Engineering Company (CET-Rio), are working in collaboration with C40 Cities and inviting transport logistic companies to focus on reducing emissions in the city’s Low Emission District. This central freight hub in downtown Rio accounts for nearly half of transportation GHG emissions in the city.

Read more: BR: Rio de Janeiro partners with C40 to decarbonise road freight

In a ceremony held at the Colonial Plaza Hotel on the 4th, the city of Pindamonhangaba received new Smart City certificates from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). The recognition attests to the municipality's compliance with the ABNT NBR ISO 37122 and ABNT NBR ISO 37123 standards.

During the event, certificates were awarded for the analysis and audit of 122 indicators, divided into 61 for smart cities and 61 for resilient cities. With this achievement, Pindamonhangaba obtained Gold certification in the ABNT NBR ISO 37122 standard and Platinum in the ABNT NBR ISO 37123 standard, the highest level in the certification process.

Read more: BR: São Paulo: Pindamonhangaba: The city consolidates its position with global certifications for...

Cities are undergoing rapid transformation around the world, driven by technological innovation and the search for more efficient and sustainable solutions. Among the terms increasingly found in urban vocabulary is the concept of “smart cityor “smart city.” But after all, what really defines a smart city And what are its characteristics?

One smart city It is much more than a city with an advanced technological infrastructure. It is an integrated urban ecosystem Information and communication technology (Information and communication technology) and physical devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT)The Internet of things) to improve the efficiency of city operations and services, while striving to communicate more effectively with citizens.

Read more: BR: What is a smart city and how can it change urban life - Instituto Humanitas Unisinos

The Brazilian government has launched a new national strategy to bring connectivity to the country’s 140,000 state-run schools.

The National Strategy for Connected Schools aims to connect all schools in Brazil to the Internet by the end of 2026, with quality targets to ensure that all students in the country are guaranteed access and can use information and communication technologies (ICTs) for educational purposes.

Read more: Brazil’s new strategy aims for Internet in all schools

Curitiba received this Thursday (27/10) the trophy of one of the seven Smartest Communities in the World, according to the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) Award, being, for the second consecutive year, the only city in South America selected for the Top 7. The award was presented during the IFC Global Summit 2022, at the Ohio State House, seat of the Ohio State Government (Ohio, USA).

“I say and repeat that innovation is only valid if it is an instrument of social transformation and equal opportunities. Based on this, we have built, in recent years, a work carried out by many hands that today is crowned in this worldwide recognition of, once again, being among the seven Smartest Communities in the world. We form an intelligent, creative, resilient ecosystem, with humanity, sustainability and the use of technology in favor of citizens”, celebrated Mayor Rafael Greca.

Read more: BR: Paraná: Curitiba is elected one of the seven Smartest Communities in the World

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