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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Uganda needs to exploit its IT potential through use of e-government systems, if it’s to compete with economies across the globe.

The observation was made by the ICT Minister Dr Ruhakana Rugunda at the opening of a workshop on the e-government master plan being drawn by NITA-Uganda.

Dr Rugunda says that South Korea has been able to tremendously improve its economy because it exploits the leverage provided by technology.

He says that Uganda ought to expeditiously develop and adapt the e-government system for smooth business transactions within government departments and the private sector.

The Director NITA-Uganda e-governance Services Julius Torach says the National information technology Authority Uganda is working hard to ensure that all health centres, districts and other facilities are connected to a national information technology infrastructure to benefit from e-governance.

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Quelle/Source: UGPulse, 24.08.2012

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