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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology has been called upon to put more efforts in ensure all people in Uganda access the benefits of Information and Communication Technologies.

The call was made by I-network, an ICT based organization while launched the e-governance project. The project piloted in Apac district is helping local people and leaders to use ICTs to improve on governance and public accountability.

The project is being implemented jointly by the central government, local government and other civil society organizations in Apac.

I-network is providing advisory help to the project, with funding from the government of Norway, which has so far provided 200,000 Euros (500M shillings).

The organization called government to ensure electricity is available to more people in rural areas in order for them to benefit from ICTs.

According to a report by the ministry of Works, Housing and Communication, an average villager in Apac district has to walk 2kms or more to reach a phone. Internet connectivity is almost inconceivable with almost 0% of rural households having electricity connection.

This has made the usage of Information and communication technology impossible especially in governance and administration.

Apac district was chosen because it is small in size and has been affected by the long spell of war that characterized Northern Uganda. Since its inception in November 2006, the district is beginning to realize the benefits of the e-governance programme.


Quelle/Source: UGPulse, 20.07.2008

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