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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On Tuesday (March 2) Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan presented the electronic management system introduced in RA governmental entities, according to which henceforth all documents, circulating at the government and the adjacent bodies, will be in an online version, accessible and transparent.

“The electronic management program is a tool in the hands of the public to monitor us,” the prime minister says.

The electronic management system is introduced in 25 (out of 44) governmental bodies, including in marzpetarans (local administration bodies), all ministries; it is envisaged that before 2011 all the bodies will work in online regime.

“A citizen may monitor (online) any document submitted by him/her; he/she may know which phase it is in, which department it reached, and in case if the response is delayed, he/she will have an opportunity to solve an issue very fast, because the history of the document-circulation will be reserved online,” Sargsyan says. (While submitting the papers citizens get a 12-digit password which later allows monitoring a document’s progress.)

According to the prime minister, this program, funded by the World Bank (costing $700,000), was one of the most important terms in President Serzh Sargsyan’s election manifesto, “enabling governmental bodies to raise the level of efficiency and transparency.”

“The most important term of the program is that it minimizes the need of contacting a state official by a citizen, and it significantly reduces corruption risks,” says Davit Sargsyan, Head of the RA Government Staff.

The works of introducing the electronic system have been started since 2007, and since 2008, it was experimented at the government and four ministries.

“As a result of applying to this program, the period of document circulation in governmental bodies was reduced by 20 percent: for example, if sending a letter to Syunik province lasted a week, then now – a few seconds,” says the head of the government staff.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Gayane Abrahamyan

Quelle/Source: ArmeniaNow, 02.03.2010

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