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Monday, 24.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Msheireb Properties, Qatar’s leading sustainable property developer, and Schneider Electric, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore enhancing the smart city capabilities of Msheireb Downtown Doha (MDD).

Schneider Electric will conduct a three-month Proof of Concept (POC) project to showcase the capabilities of its Smart City Integration platforms.

The POC will explore applications for traffic management, proactive and predictive maintenance of facilities for corporate tenants, predictive analysis for MEP facilities, and corrective decision-making to serve individual residents before complaints arise.

“This collaboration aligns with our vision to stay on the cutting edge of tech innovation and adoption of sustainable, energy-saving solutions that use data analytics and artificial intelligence to provide a hassle-free and interconnected experience for our visitors and tenants,” said engineer Ali al-Kuwari, CEO of Msheireb Properties. Louie Jarouche, country manager, Qatar & Kuwait, Schneider Electric, said: “We are eager to work with Msheireb Properties to realise the potential of smart city technologies in enhancing wellbeing and creating resilient, and innovative urban environments of the future.”

In attendance at the MoU-signing ceremony was engineer al-Kuwari, Msheireb Properties COO engineer Faisal AlMalki, along with Schneider Electric’s executive vice-president for international operations Manish Pant and Jarouche.


Quelle/Source: Gulf Times, 19.05.2024

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