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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Qatar Airways has won the ‘Middle East Smart Government & Smart Services Excellence Award’ for its ‘Smart Tourism E-Services’, at a ceremony held by the Middle East Excellence Awards Institute at the Ritz-Carlton, Dubai International Financial Centre yesterday.

The institute of Middle East Excellence Awards recognises the significance of honouring excellent organisations and companies for their achievements in streamlining their online services that contribute to the competitiveness of the variety of e-services found in the Middle East.

Rohan Seneviratne, Qatar Airways country manager (UAE) received the award on behalf of the airline at the ceremony, which attracted more than 500 dignitaries and participants from the 21st GCC e-Government and e-Services Conference, in addition to media from across the region.

Experts, specialists and the jury nominated Qatar Airways for the award “in acknowledgement of the airline’s efforts to develop e-services”, including its organisational shift to smart government and its implementation of best practices in modern administration and international competitiveness.

“We are proud of this win; such awards give us the motivation to continue developing our systems and providing only cutting-edge services to our customers,” said Fathi al-Shehab, Qatar Airways senior vice president (GCC, Levant, Iran, Iraq & Yemen). “We are constantly working on developing and introducing the best smart strategies and improving access to services for our customers in accordance with the highest standards of efficiency and quality,” he added.

Qatar Airways has seen rapid growth in just 18 years of operation, to the point where today it is flying a modern fleet of some 157 aircraft to 146 key business and leisure destinations across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, North and South Americas.


Quelle/Source: Gulf Times, 20.05.2015

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