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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
e-Government is a long journey that "we should do first" and make adjustments later, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan said yesterday.

He told a conference at the 14th Viet Nam Computer Electronics World Expo&Viet Nam ICT Outlook 2009 (VCW 2009) that e-Government application has gained initial success in Viet Nam, but needed much more effort from all agencies to build on it.

Though the Vietnamese Government is determined to persist with administrative reforms and speed up application of e-Government in all ministries and sectors to increase efficiency in State management, the results so far have been modest, he said.

Pham Van Hai, vice director of the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications’ IT Application Promotion Department, reported that only 21 per cent of localities and 30 per cent of ministries had applied the ISO 9001-2000, quality management process, and only half of cities and provinces had deployed the IT supported "one-stop" model to process documents.

Surprisingly, the proportion of staff who frequently use email for work was only 50 per cent, he said.

Hai also noted that the difference between central ministries and local administrations in holding online meetings was huge at 63 per cent and 38 per cent respectively.

Software application for document management was 10 per cent at ministries and 21 per cent in local offices.

Most ministries and localities have websites but only some of them are regularly updated and provide useful information for visitors, according to the official.

HCM City leads administrations nationwide in IT application, with its website ranked 31,979th in the world, far ahead of the second website from the Ministry of Investment and Planning which occupies a ranking below 100,000.

"IT applications have been deployed in all 24 districts and 34 departments focusing on land, construction, culture, society and business management," said Le Manh Ha, director of the municipal Information and Telecommunications Department.

Limiting factors

"We don’t have specialised staff for e-Government and the working habits of most staff members are hard to change," Hai said, admitting that IT knowledge of State staff was very low at present.

Hai said HCM City was able to record significant gains in IT application thanks to strong determination of the city People’s Committee.

"We (the municipal telecom department) have the right to decide what and how to carry out IT applications with a large fund of VND200 billion (US$12 million)," he said.

Sharing the city’s experience, he said IT systems would have to be defined first, software must be bought and big projects divided into small ones. It was also important to mobilise enough funds for them, he added.

Hai emphasized the role of leaders in developing IT applications and applying e-governance.

Nguyen Tu Quang, general director of the Ha Noi Polytechnic University’s Center for Internet Security (BKIS) reviewed the limited success of e-Government over the last 14 years, with the National IT programme launched in 1995 and the IT applications for administrative management project in 1997.

"It’s not easy to force State staff to use IT. They have to be persuaded to use IT through useful applications such as e-mail and having conversations through computers," Quang said.


Quelle/Source: Viet Nam News, 17.07.2009

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