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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The first next-generation data centre targeted at Asia Pacific-based multinationals will open early next year in Ha Noi, according to the investor ViNetworks.

The network centre comes at a time when the country's growth has brought an increasing need for such centres to handle e-government, e-commerce and electronic socialisation.

In recent years, foreign and Vietnamese IT companies have not had sufficient resources to function as data centre providers.

While foreign companies find it hard to gain licences, Vietnamese companies consider technological inexperience as their most challenging obstacle.

Designed and supported by US-based Cisco, ViNetworks expects to blend Silicon Valley's technical innovation with a talented local workforce, according to investors.

Located at Hoa Lac High-Tech Park in Ha Noi, the next-generation data centre is efficient and cost-effective, and is based on customers' particular business needs.

The new architecture supports strategic functions for multi-protocol connectivity, policy-based automation, and uniform management across the data centre, which ensures continuous data protection and quick recovery.

Most of these solutions focus on improving energy efficiency and reducing the use and improper disposal of hazardous materials associated with the production and operation of IT equipment.

"We hope this first next-generation data centre will take an active role in contributing to Viet Nam's IT infrastructure growth following its accession to the World Trade Organisation two years ago," said Tran Xuan Son, chief executive officer of ViNetworks.


Quelle/Source: VietNamNet Bridge, 08.12.2008

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