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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government is making great strides in administrative reform by cranking up technology applications setting an exemplary model for state agencies at lower levels.

The central government has been publicizing all issued directives, apart from classified ones, on the website

The move has been hailed by individuals from all quarters for setting a good standard and contributing to a national administrative shakeup.

Before the upcoming e-government project is realized nationwide, designing a website where certain government documents can be made public is well within the reach of state organizations at all levels.

By publishing material online, each civil officer must take responsibility for the documents they write, knowing they will be scrutinized by any citizen who wishes to read them.

The quality of these documents would thus be improved significantly.

Hundreds of billions of dong (VND100 billion=US$6.3 million) will need to be earmarked for establishing thousands of such websites nationwide, but in return, there will countless positive results in making Vietnam and its government more transparent.

This week, the government has also shown its determination to make its administrative operations more IT-savvy.

Officials announced they would soon begin hosting online meetings with ministerial and other agencies.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Hai Van

Quelle/Source: Thanh Nien Daily, 17.04.2008

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