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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Viet Nam has gained more 14 spots in the UN 2008 E-governance readiness index from the country’s position in 2005, climbing to the 91st among 192 ranked countries.

The 2008 UN E-Government Readiness Survey, released on January 5, is the fourth edition of the index, and assesses 192 UN member states on their application of information and communication technologies to serve and interact with citizens.

The survey showed that Viet Nam also performed well in the e-participation index, leaping to 16th position, from No. 63 in 2005.

Meanwhile, with an index score of 0.447, the Asian region fared slightly below the world average of 0.4514 in the e-government readiness index.

Ranked in 6th position, the Republic of Korea (RoK) is the only Asian country in the top 10 list. It also fared well in the area of e-participation, described as the involvement of citizens in government programmes and services, where the RoK was ranked second worldwide, after the United States.

India fell 26 notches to 113th, compared to No. 87 in 2005, while Singapore and Thailand each fell 16 spots from their 2005 ranking, occupying No. 23 and No. 62, respectively, in the latest index.


Quelle/Source: Vietnam Economic Times, 07.01.2008

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