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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Administrative reform is essential to create breakthroughs in socio-economic development, said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

He made the statement yesterday as the Govern-ment’s Steering Committee for Administrative Reform held a regular session, presided over by its head, Phan Van Khai, along with the PM.

At the session, after handing over the post as committee head to PM Dung, Phan Van Khai said the committee should review its gains as well as remaining problems to work out solutions soon.

Khai said the committee should quickly overcome delays in issuing legal documents to guide the implementation of laws and decrees; continue to fight and prevent bureaucracy, corruption and other negative phenomena; practise thrift and fight waste; and punish corrupted civil servants.

The State mechanism is too cumbersome and costly for the modest amount of help it provides to the people, Khai said. Therefore, administrative reform should be implemented quickly and synchronously, to help reduce corruption and serve the cause of industrialisation and modernisation.

After listening to committee members report, PM Dung said that sectors had to continue boosting administrative reform and raise the effectiveness of State management.

Ministries, sectors and localities should be aware of problems and shortcomings in administrative reform to overcome them, and they should address these issues in the working programmes for the last six months of the year.

The PM asked ministries and sectors to co-ordinate in improving the quality of institutions, establish teams of inspectors in each ministry and sector, and soon contribute opinions to build the Law on Organisation of Government and develop e-government.

Quelle/Source: Viet Nam News, 03.08.2006

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