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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The World Bank has recently approved a $100 million loan to Morocco to support the Moroccan government’s efforts to improve effectiveness of public resource management.

The bank said in a statement carried by its website the loan is part of a series of programmatic loans designed to support the implementation of the Government's public administration reform support program (PARAP), launched by the Kingdom in early 2002.

This Fourth Public Administration Reform Loan (PARL-IV) is designed to improve government efficiency in the management of budget resources, strengthen government efficiency in the management of human resources, consolidate and control public payroll, and improve public services and simplify procedures through e-government.

The first such loan was approved by the bank on July 1, 2004 to support the Moroccan government’s reform program in the medium term, in collaboration with the European Union and the African Development Bank.

Françoise Clottes, Acting Maghreb Department Director, said “PARL-IV continues to foster Morocco ambitious public administration reform program,” adding that “over the years progress in implementation of the reform agenda supported by the PARL series has led to tangible results on several policy areas.”

For example, she went on, the budget reform actions taken contributed to the improvement of budget management parameters, especially execution rates of the economic and social investment projects.

Moreover, “the reform process has led to improved structure of the budget as more resources have been channelled to investment,” with a new series being envisaged to support the next phase of the program and further enhance service delivery.

The PARL IV is also a key component of the new 2010-2013 Country Partnership Strategy, endorsed by the board of the World Bank on January 26.

In addition to the PARL IV, the Board allocated an $80.3 million financing in the form of a loan to the Kingdom, for the Second Rural Roads Project.

The project is part of the National Program of Rural Roads (NPRR-2) which aims at increasing the level of access of the rural population.


Quelle/Source: Maghreb Arabe Presse, 06.05.2010

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