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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Cambodia has just added itself to the growing list of countries looking to introduce some sort of electronic ID card to its citizens.

According to a report in, the country’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior recently announced that as many as 2.2 million Cambodians have already received the new ID cards in the first phase of issuance, and another 5.5 million will get the new IDs soon.

As of yet, its unclear which company is assisting the country in the rollout of this program.

Read more: Cambodia introducing eIDs

Cambodia's countryside has some of the lowest internet connectivity in the world.

About 32 kilometres outside Phnom Penh stands a public secondary school that is one of the small, but growing, group of government-run schools in the Kingdom connected to the internet. Thet Visith, a grade 9 student at Samraong Leu high school in Kandal province, said he is only able to use the internet for two hours a week, but he is still grateful for the free use of online resources. “It is good to have an internet connection at my school because I can look for interesting news and gain new knowledge easily,” he said.

Read more: KH: Bring rural schools up to speed online

Cambodian human resource capacity in the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for socio-economic development is set to make a great stride with the launch of a United Nations ICT capacity building programme.

High-level officials are to attend the inaugural National Workshop of the “Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders” (Academy), a core ICT for development curriculum developed by the United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT/ESCAP), in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 9 to 12 March.

Read more: UN set to boost ICT capacity of Cambodia

Four-day course briefs 20 government ministries on technology

The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) will prove a “catalyst” for the Kingdom’s development, the secretary general of the National Information Communications Technology Department Authority (NiDA) said Monday.

Speaking on the eve of the UN’s Asian and Pacific Training Centre for ICT’s (UN-APICT) four-day training programme for government officials, Leewood Phu told the Post: “ICT is a major factor in helping the development of Cambodia. It’s the catalyst for the sector.”

Read more: Cambodia: UN course to boost use of ICT to improve governance

Sok An seeks additional investment from SKorea. Deputy Prime Minister Sok An warned Friday of a looming digital divide in Cambodia and asked for additional assistance from South Korea as he launched a long-awaited e-government network that connects 10 of the country’s 24 provinces.

The Provincial Administration Information System (PAIS), which was being built with assistance from South Korea, was intended to connect the entire country to allow the government to automate its systems, Sok An said.

Read more: Cambodia: Government warns of digital divide in e-govt delay

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