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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The General Secretariat of Commerce of the Greek Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping launched on 17 February 2010 a public consultation on the development of the national Electronic Prescribing System, the purpose of which is to create a complete electronic record for the prescriptions of all the public insurance bodies.

More specifically, it is foreseen that:

  • The Electronic Prescribing System should be able to provide to all insurants, doctors and pharmacies with unique codes; a unique number will also be given to every prescription.
  • Scanners at pharmacies and doctors' offices will be able to record electronically all the prescriptions from the time of their issuing until they are dispensed from the pharmacy.

The main objectives of the electronic prescription system is to record the drug consumption data on a continuous basis and to conduct a traceability audit for each prescription drug in order to have the drug spending reduced while tackling at the same time the plethora of polypharmacy phenomena observed in recent years.

It should be noted at this point that the pharmaceutical expenditures in Greece have risen from €7 billion in 2007 to €8 billion in 2008 and €9 billion in 2009 showing the last two years alone an increase of 30 %. The average cost of each prescription was around €100.

The first phase of the consultation process was open to all interested parties who could submit their suggestions/proposals in a paper or in an electronic format by 8 March 2010 -following an extension announced on the respective webpage of ''. The complete text of the invitation notice can be viewed online either on the latter site or via the website of the General Secretariat of Commerce at

The second phase of the consultation has started and will remain open until the 24 March 2010 for anyone interested in reviewing and commenting on the proposals submitted during the first phase.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 22.03.2010

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