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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government has approved an action plan to develop an automated system, dubbed «Single window for electronic reporting», the Information-analytical Bulletin of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, this plan is based on the concept of creation and functioning of the «Single window for electronic reporting» automated system, as approved by the government in August 2013.

When implemented, the plan will significantly advance the government towards the creation of «E-government».

According to experts, in early spring of 2015, the «Single window for electronic reporting» will be fully operational, and will enable the establishment of a single integrated database for all processes taking place in the country. This will provide an opportunity to bring analysis, forecasting and the planning of socio-economic development to a new level.

The launch of the «Single window for electronic reporting» is an important component of preparing the conditions for open and transparent government, improvement of the business environment and investment climate in the state, experts of Ministry of Revenues and Duties of Ukraine note.

As of now, insufficient use of modern information technologies in the reporting process generates large volumes of paper documents, which results in unnecessary operating costs and time being wasted on the preparation, submission, receipt and processing of reports, and «territorial fixes» of submitted reports.

According to experts of industry associations, the establishment of a «Single window» will dramatically reduce the cost of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for preparation of mandatory reports. Today, entrepreneurs are forced to submit large volumes of virtually identical data to various regulators. The new service will help submit all necessary reports to various regulatory authorities in one place.

At this point, analysts say, there is a paradoxical situation where Ukraine has its own programmers who develop a high level of software products, and has fallen far behind in the introduction of advanced electronic systems in comparison with European countries.

The transition to E-government will fundamentally change the approach of the state to its citizens and businesses. Electronic management also helps minimize physical contact between service recipients and civil servants. It would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the executive functions of the state (especially regarding provision of public services).

At the same time, E-government is not limited to relations between citizens or businesses. It must also ensure mutual relationships inside the system of power (between its central, regional and local levels) and between different branches (executive, legislative, judicial).


Quelle/Source: ForUm, 18.10.2013

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