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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
While 76% of Estonian entrepreneurs would give 5 or 4 points on the scale of 1-5 to the e-services offered by the state, they also consider the state's e-environments too complicated, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht online reports.

The e-services study, commissioned by the economy and communications ministry, indicated that 96% of entrepreneurs said that the e-services have helped them save time. 93% estimate that officials proceedings have become more comfortable and 87% said that they guarantee better access to information.

The main causes of dissatisfaction were too complicated usage of web pages, excessive time that is spent and shortage of understandable instructions or sufficient customer support. They also want the state's web pages to have simpler structure – they often contain a lot of necessary information but sometimes it is hard for users to find it.

The awareness of entrepreneurs about e-services offered by the state isn’t too high though, 34% of respondents said it was good or very good, 45% gave 3 points to it and 18% said their awareness is small.

60% of respondents would agree to communicate to the state only via e-channels.

99% of entrepreneurs said they used the internet to handle business last year.


Quelle/Source: The Baltic Course, 15.03.2013

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