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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Estonia is pushing the boundaries of technology and democracy a step further by holding the world's first parliamentary e-lection, in which voters can cast ballots online.

No more fighting through cold and snow to get to the polling station in this north European country, known not only for being at the cutting edge of technology but also as the most corruption-free country in central and eastern Europe.

"This is the first time in the world that a binding vote on the internet will take place for a national parliamentary election," Ulle Madise, member of the national election commission, told AFP.

"Estonia is a world pioneer in this," she said in advance of the March 4 elections.

The 940 000 Estonians eligible to vote in Sunday's parliamentary election can cast their ballot electronically until Wednesday. After that, they will have to wait until Sunday to vote in the more traditional manner.

In response to fears from critics of possible pressure at home or in the workplace on e-voters, the law provides voters with a chance to override their internet vote on election day by filling in a paper ballot.

"The opportunity to change the e-vote should dissuade those who are thinking of pressuring internet voters," Madise said.

Meanwhile, seasoned election and democracy watchdog, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), has admitted it's a little stumped by how to monitor the new-fangled method of voting.

"This is really our first experience in internet elections," an official from with the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), who asked not to be named, told AFP.

"We will follow the use of remote voting by internet, but we can't go into the electronic voting system itself," he said.

"We have to assess what transparency measures are used to ensure the fairness of the internet vote," he said. "We are also asking questions about security and auditing of the electronic vote. But we won't be able to get into the system. For that, very specialist technical expertise is required."

For online voting to work, it has to have the trust of the electorate, the ODIHR official said.

"There should be public confidence in internet voting, as there should be for any other method," he said.

"Why not trust their vote to the internet?"

Ivar Tallo, director of the e-Governance Academy in Tallinn, saw little reason for Estonians to distrust online voting.

"Estonians trust their financial transactions to the internet by filing tax returns online and transferring money via online banks. So why not trust their vote to the internet?" he said.

Around two percent of Estonians who voted in local elections in 2005 did so on the internet.

"Most probably, the number will double this time," Tallo told AFP.

Online voters cast their vote from a home or office computer using a government-issued electronic ID card, which nearly all Estonian citizens have.

The ID card has to be swiped through an electronic reader, which is available for 95 kroons (€6).

Voters then have to type in a code to confirm their identity, with a digital signature needed to confirm the choice made on their e-ballot.

Eighty-two percent of Estonians file their tax returns online, but Tallo reserved judgment as to whether internet voting would ever reach the same level.

"It took six years to reach the 82-percent figure for internet tax returns," he said. "But we don't have elections every year, and participation in elections is not obligatory."

Autor(en)/Author(s): Tarmu Tammerk

Quelle/Source: iafrica, 28.02.2007

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