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Friday, 7.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Almost 50 % of all healthcare workers in the Czech Republic now actively employ the electronic health records (EHRs) of the IZIP system (EZK, in Czech), it was announced on 2 September 2011.

IZIP's statistics reveal a high involvement of doctors and other healthcare workers with the IZIP system. In mid-August 2011, more than 20 500 healthcare workers were utilising the EHR services. Moreover, the number of EHR medical entries has grown by a third over the past 6 months to 22 870 582 and now 2.54 million patients have an EHR. These statistics indicate that the importance of EHRs continues to grow.

Jiří Pašek, Director of IZIP, said: "The increasing activity of doctors and health workers in the system is one of our priorities. We want to ensure that patients, doctors and health insurers use all the benefits that the electronic health records service offers to the maximum extent. This will lead to an overall improvement in national healthcare."

The EHR service provides doctors and healthcare professionals with important up-to-date health information on patients, easy and immediate sharing of clinical data with colleagues and rapid communication with health insurers.

General practitioner Dr Johana Kybalová explains: "Electronic health records have practical implications for doctors. They provide background information about the health of our patients, even where there is recently updated information, such as laboratory results. They are stored in the EHR immediately after processing and I therefore have them available immediately, without having to wait for them or even ask for them."

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 03.10.2011

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