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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The University of Missouri Children’s Hospital has begun a new program entitled Telehealth, Love and Care (TLC), which aims to unite parents with their children in the newborn intensive care unit at any time via the Internet.

TLC is a video service that will allow parents to interact with their babies using iPads, computers and videoconferencing system called Vidyo. The iPads also have speakers that give parents the opportunity to speak to their baby or their health care provider.

“Some of the babies are in the hospital for two, three or even four months,” said John Pardalos, the director of neonatology and medical director of Children’s Hospital’s Critical Care Transport Service. “At some point parents either have to go back to work, they live far away or they have other kids whose day-to-day needs must be met, and so they cannot be with their babies in the hospital.”

The program gives these families an opportunity to check up on their baby when they cannot be at the hospital with just a computer, webcam, Internet and an email address to use the program.

According to Pardalos, most telehealth video services are used to provide clinical care, but this program is different. The goal of the program is to let parents interact with their children from locations outside the hospital.

The program is free and was funded by the Children’s Miracle Network radiothon, The Missouri Telehealth Network and MOREnet.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Abby Kass

Quelle/Source: Columbia Business Times, 18.11.2013

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