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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) announced recently the launch of Eshaar program which covers the latest e-government applications, especially Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Labor services. The launch of the new service comes within the company's drive to support and develop mobile phone applications.

Mobily said the program puts at the disposal of its subscribers who wish to use e-government services, many services such as traffic penalty inquires, alert for expiry date of passport, alert for expiry date of foreign worker's residential permit and other important information and alerts for Traffic police, Passport Office and Ministry of Labor.

Mobily further said Eshaar program can be downloaded, free of charge, from Apple Application Store (App store) to all of its iPhone subscribers.

Meanwhile, Mobily recently invited its subscribers to visit its account at "App store" and use the applications that have been added lately. Mobily, within its drive to promote mobile phone applications, has presented cash awards each of SR30,000 to three winners of its "Mobile Phone Applications Developers" contest during the holy month of Ramadan in a special Iftar ceremony.

Mobily continues the launch of applications for smart mobile phones since it has adopted the first platform in the area for supporting Arabic content and applications on the Internet, in a step to explore the transformation of telecommunications sector toward using extra services and thus to be able to offer to its subscribers the maximum effective applications which works on iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Windows Mobile mobile phones.


Quelle/Source: Zawya, 07.09.2011

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