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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Eng. Mohammed bin Ahmed Jameel Mulla has signed here 23 Rabea Auwal 1431H (9th march 2010) an agreement with the Saudi Industrial Development Fund aimed at cooperation between the two parties to transform the works of the fund into e-transactions.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Industrial Development Fund Eng. Yusuf bin Ibraheem Al Bassam signed on behalf of his organization.

After signing the agreement, which took place at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Minster disclosed that the agreement has come in the framework of the Saudi Industrial Development Fund's efforts to develop and empower its e-transactions in conformity with the Royal instructions to transform all government agencies into e-transactions.

The Minister added that the agreement states that the e-government program "Yesser" shall provide consultancy services to the Fund and determine the best ways to develop and upgrade the necessary infrastructure in addition to survey and document the services of the Fund and re-engineer its procedures in order to provide them online.

On the same development the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Industrial Development Fund Eng. Yusuf bin Ibraheem Al Bassaam, disclosed that the agreement comes in the framework of the general trend of the application of e-government system using the advanced communications and information technology services available. He added that cooperation with "Yesser" will enable the Fund to implement its programs electronically regarding communication with customers of the Fund. And also to reactivate linking the Fund with government agencies through connection channels, integration channels and the secure net of the e-transactions of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology under the supervision of "Yesser" program. This cooperation he added will expedite the provision of services by the Fund to borrowers, the Industrial Sector and Government Agencies in general.

It shall be noted that according to this agreement the e-government program "Yesser" will supply the Fund with an advisory team to provide an advisory service on the provision of e-services by the Fund. The team will make studies and evaluate the services provided by the Saudi Industrial Fund regarding efficiency and performance and the extent and utilization of communications and information systems in providing these services. And also specify and document the vision and requirements of the Fund for the next stage regarding the development and improvement of services in addition to the infrastructure and the necessary regulations. The team shall also evaluate the gap and the difference between the present situation and the future vision and then prepare a strategy for the Fund's online services to include projects, programs and plans to implement this strategy which will be determined in coordination with parties related to the Fund.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Rima Ali Al Mashni

Quelle/Source: AME Info, 10.03.2010

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