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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Al-Elm Information Security noted that over 50 000 re-entry visas were issued electronically through the new 'Muqeem' programme.

The CEO of Al-Elm Information Security, Dr. Khaled Ben Abdul Azeez Al-Gonaim, 'The number of residents subscribing to the service exceeded 400 000 to date. This reflects the great satisfaction among the owners of private organizations for this service and its importance in helping them to facilitate the process of their sponsored employees.'

He stated the company had finished the development of Almuqeem services and included the electronical cancelling of the re-entry visa.

Dr. Gonaim 'Canceling the re-entry visa comes as a continuation and complementary procedure for the issuing process. An option of canceling the electronic visas issued by Muqeem service is available and the offer is made available during the validity period. The aim is to develop interactive services in the Muqeem system in order to allow the subscribers to electronically process the transactions of their sponsored employees without having to visit any branches of the passport departments.'

He also added that it was not possible to cancel a re-entry visa that was issued by one of the branches of the passport department through the Muqeem service.

'It is not possible to cancel a single electronic return visa if the resident who owns the visa is out of the kingdom, and if the period of travel has expired, if the resident has no single electronic return visa or he used the electronic visa.

Al-Elm Information Security Co. will present its experiences in the field of electronic government achievements at the Conference of Information Technology and National Security which is being headed by The Chairman of General Intelligence under the sponsorship of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Ibn AbdullAziz, through ten services that are provided by Al-Elm, including the Muqeem service, which was launched two years ago, and the Shomoos, Tamm, Yaqin, Nafaz, and Ishaar services.

Dr. Gonaim noted that Al-Elm's participation in the conference is an achievement and welcomed the opportunity of informing organizations and participant parties of the new developments and inventions in the field of information technology.

Al-Elm company is one of the leading companies in the field of electronic government implementations through several services that are presented to the public and private sectors and to individuals.

Dr. Gonaim added: 'The company aims to meet officials and decision makers to evaluate the previous experiences and to discuss offering new services helping these sectors.

Al-Elm aims also to achieve all aspects of administrative development and speeding up the implementation of the electronic transaction programs in government sectors because of the importance of these programs in the movement towards the whole implementation of the e-government in Saudi Arabia. This will be of great benefit to the citizens in saving time and effort, as they will be able to get the governmental services and information easily.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Lara Lynn Golde

Quelle/Source: AME Info, 04.12.2007

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