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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

A two-day e-government workshop to deliberate on digital economy programmes has opened in Accra to foster government approach to e-government implementation in Ghana.

Organised by the National Information Technology Agency (NITA), the workshop also seeks to ensure collaboration and raise national awareness as well as understanding of stakeholder responsibilities in its implementation.

It is also intended to co-ordinate government developments and initiatives as well as sensitise the public on existing government electronic service platforms in the country.

The event, organised with support from the Ministry of Communication, was on the theme: ‘Achieving Digital Excellence in Public Service Delivery through Innovative Strategies, Processes and Technologies.

Dr Omane Boamah, the Minister of Communication, in a speech read on his behalf, said the Government had directed its efforts to “implementing the e-government infrastructure and applications to internalise the use and application of ICT in all aspects of life in Ghana.”

“When we implement the right strategy and policy in the deployment of ICT infrastructure, the gains of ICT would be leveraged to ensure a nationwide application of ICT and transform the service delivery regimes of the public sector,” he said.

He explained that the Government, as part of measures to intensify the exploitation of Information Technology in the country, has adopted a three-tier approach to that effect.

The approaches include the creation of information infrastructure within the public sector nationwide for reliable and affordable internet connectivity with a ‘downward trend’.

He mentioned leveraging the infrastructure within the public sector in order to better share bundled information in an integrated manner and to deliver services efficiently and effectively.

The third approach, according to the Minister, involves transforming governance through networked structures within government, across various government levels and sectors in the country.

Dr Boamah said major drivers of technology application were undoubtedly the internet, network infrastructure and ICT literacy.

The provision of which, he said, has been the pre-occupation of government through the Communications Ministry, NITA as well as other relevant government stakeholders to “transform government administration, bring effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and accountability in governance.”

The Minister, enumerating some achievements of the Government in this regard, said in Accra, a 10 gigabyte metro fibre network “has been laid to support operations within the ministerial enclave to facilitate government business and programmes such as the GIFMIS.”

He mentioned the 800km Eastern corridor fibre optic connectivity infrastructure from Ho to Bawku and Tamale to Yendi which connects 120 communities along the route.

The Ghana Revenue Service Automation Systems, Registrar General’s Automation System, e-Services/e-Payment portals, e-Immigration portal, e-Parliament, e-Procurement, e-Justice, e-Cabinet and others as some of the e–government infrastructure deployed so far.

Mr William Tevie, the Director General of the National Communications Authority, said statistics from the telecommunications industry indicated that the telecom sector was one of the fastest and biggest growing industries in Ghana.

He said in terms of performance and innovation, Ghana was recognised by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation to be among one of the countries with the highest growing communication sector and received an award: ‘Best ICT Policy and Regulatory Initiative’ to that effect.

Ms Veronica Boateng, an ICT Expert at the National Information Technology Agency, said: “To attain more than incremental efficiencies, the public sector should fully incorporate technology to become a digital business, generating revenue and achieving results through innovative strategies, experiences and processes.”

The e-government workshop brought together stakeholders including political leadership, public and private sector players, development partners, academia, civil society and the general public.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Deborah Apetorgbor

Quelle/Source: Ghana News Agency, 09.11.2016

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