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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The National Information and Technology Agency (NITA) in collaboration with Media Response and First Digital Television on Thursday held an e-governance forum in Accra, to educate the public on government’s information dissemination and service delivery.

E-Governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services, exchange of information communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-customer, government-to-business, government-to-government as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire government framework.

The forum on the theme: “Enhancing public participation in the e-governance process,” brought together experts in the ICT sector, parliamentarians, the insurance industry, the media and the public.

Mr Albert Abongo, Parliamentary Select Committee on Communication Chairman, said government would continue to invest in the communication industry to enhance service delivery and facilitate information dissemination.

He said globally systems are changing; therefore, there is the need for Ghana to double its efforts in promoting ICT to catch up with the advanced world.

Mr Tony Bediako, NITA Director in-charge of Strategic and Architectural Planning said the nation has made giant strides in the field of ICT and service delivery.

He said NITA’s mandate is to provide leadership in the application of ICTs in the public sector, by transforming government’s administration, information and service delivery for national development.

He said comparatively, looking at the global data economy, Ghana has a solid ICT infrastructure based for the nation’s socio-economic development, adding that all regional capitals are fully linked to ICT connectivity and plans are underway to link all district capitals in the country.

Mr Bediako said NITA is creating data centre for all metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies to enable them share information.

He called for the enhancement of e-literacy to enable every citizen has access to government information throughout the country.

He said the e-immigration programme would enable the Ghana Immigration Service have bio-data of all persons leaving and entering the country, which would help in crime detection.

Mr Samuel Dodoo, Executive Director of Media Response and Project Director – E-Governance Platform, said Ghana’s ICT for Accelerated Development Policy seeks to address the socio-economic pressures of a youthful population and the challenges of turning them into an asset for development.

He said despite the remarkable achievements chalked out by the government and other key stakeholders in the provision of key E-Governance infrastructure and systems, the lack of adequate public understanding and participation in the process has the potential to jeopardize the process.

Mr Dodoo noted that the E-Governance Platform has therefore, been created to serve as an advocacy platform for all stakeholders – aimed at educating the public, creating awareness and enhancing citizens’ participation in the e-governance transformation process in Ghana.

Madam Marisa Susan Fee, General Manager of First Digital Television said by June 2015 Ghana is expected to go digital and her organization has over the years been able to hook up 20 channels as part of the digital transformation age.

Mr Ofosu Adarkwah, an ICT expert urged government to provide adequate funding for the Ghana Open Data Initiative by ensuring that their budgetary allocation goes through Parliament as part of the national budget.


Quelle/Source: Ghana News Agency, 20.06.2014

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