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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, has called for the inclusion of Information Communication Technology (ICT) into the training programmes of the vocational and technical institutions.

He noted that ICT skills would be an advantage to the trainees given the fact that contemporary vocational and technical education had become more knowledge-based.

They would become better equipped to favourably compete on the job market, he said in a speech read for him at the inauguration of a computer laboratory built at the Ramseyer Vocational Technical Institute (RVTI) at Kyirapatre in Kumasi.

The project was implemented through the institute’s own internally-generated-fund and support from the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) and philanthropists.

The Asantehene underlined the need for the government to allocate more funds to strengthen vocational/technical education to help tackle the growing youth unemployment.

He said the secret to socio-economic and technological advancement of countries like Germany had been the huge investment in technical and polytechnic education and Ghana could learn from that.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II praised the RVTI for the good job it was doing to provide the youth with employable skills.

The Reverend Samuel Ayeh-Hanson, Principal of the Institute, said some new courses including building draughtsmanship, auto-mechanics, decoration and construction would be introduced, this academic year.


Quelle/Source: Spy Ghana, 26.07.2013

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