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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mrs Dorothy Gordon, Director General, Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in Information Communication Technology (ICT), has advised nurses to take keen interest in the study of ICT to enhance productivity.

She said nursing was currently one of the lucrative professions in the international community, but practitioners without basic knowledge in ICT would be unproductive.

Mrs Gordon gave the advice when addressing 100 female students at the opening session of a three-day ICT Training Programme in Sunyani on Friday.

The Centre in collaboration with the National Communication Authority (NCA) is organising the training for the participants drawn from selected tertiary institutions in the Brong-Ahafo Region.

Mrs Gordon was worried that female students in tertiary institutions in the country had no interest in the study of ICT and lacked basic knowledge on the use of the computer.

She explained that was why the centre in collaboration with the NCA had designed the programme nationwide to bridge the digital divide between female students and their male counterparts.

Mrs Gordon noted that without the knowledge of ICT the students would find it difficult to acquire gainful employment on completion and was hopeful that the participants would take the course serious for their own benefit.

She advised the participants to ensure that they imparted the knowledge acquired to their colleagues who did not get the opportunity.

Mr Kwasi Oppong-Ababio, Sunyani Municipal Chief Executive, expressed concern that the youth used the internet to promote sexual promiscuity instead of their studies.

He said parents now seemed to have lost control over their children because of unhealthy habits they had copied from the internet. He advised the participants to always use the internet for entrepreneurial and research purposes to broaden their horizon.

Mr Oppong-Ababio said the Assembly was constructing a modern ICT centre at the Jubilee Park in Sunyani for the general public.


Quelle/Source: Ghana Business News, 25.11.2012

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