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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Minister of Education, Lee Ocran, says in order to help improve ICT education, his ministry would soon be donating laptops to all teachers across the country, to make them competitive in discharging their functions in a ICT knowledge society.

The Minister made the announcement when he spoke at the launch of the rlg Foundation on Monday, during which His Excellency Vice President John Dramani Mahama was the Guest of Honour.

Speaking on the ministry's commitment to raising Ghana's ICT education to the highest standards, Mr. Ocran affirmed how the pursuit of ICT advancement can help accelerate national development.

He said in line with the sector's policy on transforming education through ICT, 60,000 rlg computers were already being distributed to school children nationwide, under the Basic Schools Computerisation Project.

In agreement with other speakers, Mr. Ocran made it categorically clear that his ministry did not import the computers, but rather contracted rlg, a local company, to produce the said laptops, because it believed in supporting local Ghanaian industries to grow.

He, therefore, indicated that his ministry was working feverishly on seeking continuous collaboration with rlg to provide laptops for all teachers, and to train them on how to use the equipment.

This way, he said, teachers can upgrade their skills and offer better guidance to the children in their care.

The Vice President, John Dramani Mahama, also called on Ghanaians to celebrate Ghanaian entrepreneurs, and promised the government's commitment to creating an enabling environment within which local businesses could thrive.

He bemoaned the pull him down syndrome, which recipe, he said, if not eschewed, could spell doom for local businesses in the country.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Masahudu Ankiilu Kunateh

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 16.03.2012

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