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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government in its 2010/11 budget has stated that it is going to provide commercial internet service in post offices for the public throughout the country.

This project is laudable because it falls in line with the general objectives under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for accelerated development (ICT4AD) which intends to provide ICT-related services to both rural and urban dwellers.

Before the budget statement was read to parliament, the Ghana Post Company in conjunction with the Ministry of Communications with financing from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning under HIPC funding had published in the November, 12 issue of the Daily Graphic their intent to construct and rehabilitate some selected post offices throughout Ghana, in addition to providing them with internet facilities for the public.

The selected post offices and their respective regions are Jacobu Ashanti, Nsawkaw, Brong Ahafo, Kwabeng, Eastern, Nsauem Kyekyewere, Dambai Volta, Buipe Norhern Tongo, Upper East, Wechiau Upper West, Odorkor, Greater Accra, Shama Wester and Lambusie, Upper West.

Information and communication technology infrastructure transforms economies, Example of such is India, and Malaysia and Singapore .ICT has transformed these economics. Today, India export human capital (ICT experts) to giant corporations in the USA, Europe and Africa. This generates foreign exchange revenues for its government.

Singapore has utilized the opportunities of ICT such that it has been able to transform its economy by providing government services to its citizen’s right at their door step.

Singapore has really taken advantage of opportunities that ICT provides. Today, it has fully implemented successful six ICT master plans leading to e-government services.

Every government agency, school and home is connected to the Internet in Singapore. This has made government work very easy in terms of disseminating information to its citizens and providing vital services.

These examples, our government should emulate and ensure that the policy guidelines stipulated in the ICT4AD are followed without recourse to the government in power. The implementation plan for internet for post offices in Ghana will solve many problems in the country.

Unemployment has been a major concern for many governments all over the world. This has led to idleness among the youth and crime. With the provision of internet facilities in the rural and urban communities, the youth can have access to employment as internet café attendants, for instance. Secondly, it will also check rural urban drift which has been ongoing for decades.

In addition, provision of internet services in the post offices will build rural economies and businesses. Technicians in the repair and sale of electronic products will have an increase in demand for their goods and services.

ICT affects every aspect of modern business, government and industry today. The education sector cannot be left out in the use of ICT.

Many civil and public servants for many years have complained about the lack of opportunities to information and the ability to further their education in deprived communities. This has for many decades led to situation where teachers, doctors, police officers and many other professionals refuse postings to the rural areas. The internet at our post offices will enable public servants who would like to further their education online have the opportunity to take online coursed from universities such as the University of Cape Coast, University of Education, Winneba and the University of Ghana. Civil and Public servants will now have no excuse to refuse posting to the rural communities.

The internet for post offices project will also enable government to provide its e-government services currently at the infrastructural stage and being supervised by the National Information Technology Agency (NITA), an agency under the Ministry of Communications.

Under the e-governance project the government intends to connect the ministries, departments and agencies including metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies throughout Ghana. This will facilitate efficiency in government business.

Internet at our post offices is likely to facilitate the training of the youth in ICT programmes. The presence of the internet in the local communities will enable the youth, adults and even children have the desire to study the basics of computing and e-mail.

As the preparation for constructing and rehabilitating the post offices begin, stake holders should partner the Information Services Department and the Ministry of Information to communicate the intended projects to the rural dwellers to prepare and start building their capacities towards ICT.

Farmers will benefit from the agricultural resources of the internet. There are modern ways of farming today that enhances efficiency and productivity. I will, however, emphasize that, most farmers in these communities are illiterates and government must strengthen its efforts at putting investment in adult literacy and classes to educate the farmers to be able to read and write to take full advantage of the potential of ICT and, therefore, the internet.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Frank Ayesu

Quelle/Source: Ghana Government, 16.01.2012

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