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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The e-GHANA project is on course at providing over 6000 jobs and has targeted 50% women participation in these jobs before the project ends by 2011, officials of the project have disclosed at a day's workshop with the media in Accra last week.

The objective of the e-Ghana Project is to assist the Government in generating growth and employment, by leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) and public-private partnerships, and to develop the IT Enabled Services and contribute to improved efficiency and transparency of selected government functions, through e-government applications.

To this end, the project components consist of; an enabling environment component that includes capacity-building and operational support to the Ministry of Communications (MoC), for the overall coordination, implementation, financial management, procurement, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and communication of Project activities.

Additionally, the component will support the National Communications Authority (NCA) for the preparation and implementation of regulatory instruments and measures, to decrease the cost of international telecommunications and improve the quality of telecommunication services.

Furthermore, support will also be provided for the formulation and implementation of key government ICT sector policies, advisory services for the re-privatization of incumbent state-owned telecommunication companies, as well as preparation of revisions to the broadcasting and freedom of information legal and regulatory framework.

The second component will support Local ICT businesses and information technology enabled services (ITES) in Ghana, through the development of ITES human capacity including, preparation and implementation of an ITES human resources development plan, creation of an ITES vocational training expert group; development of ITES skills set standards, training curriculum and training institutions accreditation mechanisms, and, implementation of other short-term and long-term ITES education activities; and provision of matching grants to eligible public, and private institutions to develop and implement ITES training programs, including designing of incentives to encourage equal participation of women.

Finally, the third component; e-Government applications and government Communications -will develop IT architecture and interoperability standards for government applications and networks; provide Government investment support under a public-private partnership for the establishment of a high-speed government-wide communications network, and for the establishment of a shared portal infrastructure for key Ministries, departments and agencies to reduce cost, improve security of database and facilitate the delivery of e-government services.

Mrs. Veronica Boateng, of the National Information Technology Agency (NITA) said the e-Ghana project seeks to create a portal where citizens can do business with government on-line. She noted that components of the projects such as e-parliament-immigration and e-services will help in the free flow of information between agencies, government and service providers and the general public.

More importantly, she said the project would minimize or eliminate complete, the human face in the in the course of interactions as every thing will be done online. She hinted that government has contracted GCNET to fully automate all the country's revenue agencies.

The Project Co-ordinator, Mr. Nelson Osae said the project, as part of its employment generation drive, the Ghana Association of Software and IT Services Companies (GASSCOM) have since generated over 3000 jobs.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Daniel Nonor

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica,

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