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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Vice President of the Ghana Telecom University, Dr. Robert Awuah-Baffour has bemoaned the current state of the country's technological development, stating that the country's sense for the future in terms of her technological advancement was bleak.

He indicated that this century was a technology driven one and Ghana at her level of development cannot afford to lag behind in her technological development.

He suggested that since the country faces great financial constraints to enable her undertake technological and development oriented researches to fall on as road map for her development, the country could as well tap into advanced research findings of some developed countries for her development.

He mentioned countries, such as China, that have tapped into research findings of other countries such as the United States of America, which now makes that country tall in terms of her technological advancement.

Dr. Robert Awuah-Baffour suggested that for the country to develop her technology base, the teaching of science and technology should be introduced into the schools' curriculum at the basic level of education.

He also suggested that a mobile computer lab in a van can be used, especially, in the remote areas where pupils have hardly seen a computer.

He made these observations and suggestions when he spoke to The Chronicle at the end of an open day programme at the Ghana Telecom University to announce the school's collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences in Wildau-Germany, to run programmes in Telematics and Aviation Management.

He noted that come the next century, three technologies namely geo-technology, geographic positioning system and remote sensing were going to drive the world's economy

This he said posed a great challenge to the youth of the country to avail themselves to knowledge in these changing trends to help develop the economy of the country.

The focus for the Telematics programme covers traffic telematics, facility management, E-Health and E-Business.

Whiles the programme in Aviation Management covers areas such as Business Administration and Management, Aviation Management and Management and Social skills.

In a related development, The Ghana Telecom University College (GTUC) last Wednesday commissioned a language Center at the School of Business in Accra.

The launching of the center is to become a leading language institution in the country and to give students the opportunity to study other languages such as French, German, English and Chinese.

The GTUC Director for the language centre, Professor Ebenezer Amoh Thompson indicated that the vision of the language centre is to be the most efficient and innovative language centre within Ghana and the sub region, and to evolve into a centre of excellence in education.

He also said the mission of the centre is to provide excellent function and academic language tuition and services in teaching and learning of languages. As part of the academic program for the students, Mr. Thompson assured that the school would provide excellent tuition in German, French English and Chinese and the duration for these programs would last for four months.

Mr. Thompson said GTUC has a partnership agreement with Institute for International Training Co-operation at the University of Applied Sciences (IBK) Merseburg in Germany and Anhalt University, also in Germany.

He noted that the school has qualified and well organized, efficient and discipline staff who are diligent in their work.

He urged students, especially those who want to travel to Germany, to learn the language so as to avoid any difficulty in communication.

He stated that non-German speaking students applying to study in Germany must take the German language test before the beginning of their studies and before formal entry into Germany.

He warned students who are traveling for the first time must arrange their flight by consulting GTUC to avoid any inconvenience.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Nonor Daniel and Michael Owusu Akuamoah

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 29.05.2009

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