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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government of Ghana has accessed a World Bank loan to enable it to implement the electronic governance (e-governance) programme aimed at bringing efficiency into all sectors and improving revenue collection for development.

Professor Mike Ocquaye, Minister of Communications, said in Accra on Tuesday that to access the World Bank loan, the Ministry had to hasten the e-governance process for parliament's consent and that a committee had been set up to fine-tune its implementation.

Under the e-governance programme, government would apply information technology to activities of all ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) as a means of bringing efficiency into the sectors and also to check loopholes that brought about collection of low revenue.

Professor Ocquaye was speaking at a Communications Forum at which Alcatel, a telecommunications giant, introduced its structure and representative, Seatec Ghana, to the Ghanaian market.

The company also took participants through trends in technology and highlighted the emergence, uses and benefits of the Voice-Over-Internet Protocol (VoIP). Prof. Ocquaye said information technology and its related matters played a meaningful role in development and that it was imperative that the government took advantage of its benefits for widespread development.

"Ghana cannot afford to miss ICT revolution if it hopes to improve the quality of its citizens' lives and alleviate the widespread poverty that seriously undermines human development."

Autor(en)/Author(s): Jacob Sarkodie

Quelle/Source: African News Dimension, 26.09.2006

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