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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Every day, I receive e-mails from readers who complain about the awful waiting period at government offices. People waste several days trying to complete paper work, obtain residence permit renewal or attest official documents. I don't think dealing with bureaucratic sluggishness in any part of the world is a cake walk.

It is boring, and there are times when you could lose temper thanks to the large number of documents they seek and the wasted time spent waiting to attest a single document. I can understand the frustration that residents experience. Unfortunately most official bodies have formulated rules regulations taking a myriad aspects into consideration, except for people's time, effort and patience.

Here in Kuwait, we still depend largely on staff members' manual work. It is a common sight to find five to six counters, and usually only one staff is in attendance during Ramadan. There are times when the computers are out of order. If you are an employee, and want to go to Passport Office for instance, it is possible to do so only in the morning of a working day. For that to happen, you need to receive permission from that tough boss! It becomes especially difficult when the regular employee has to see permission the next day. Many have faced this trying situation in this country.

Online services are a must so that one can apply for a visa and renew residence permits. All transactions can then be processed smoothly with the click of a mouse. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor has tried to computerize its system, although it has experienced technical glitches often. I think government departments like passport and immigration offices that cater to a larger section of society should earnestly modernize and improve its operations. Only an efficient e-governance system can save people's time and efforts.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Muna Al-Fuzai

Quelle/Source: Kuwait Times, 22.08.2011

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