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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Momentum for Kuwait’s e-government initiative is increasing, as feedback from the Oracle Applications Day hosted for the country’s government sector leads to the country forming a pact with Singapore to enhance online services.

Of the four key areas in e-business for government, Kuwait has made considerable strides in the areas of government-to-citizen and government-to-government interaction, with additional investment potential for government-to-business and government-to-employee initiatives as well.

During the one-day seminar, Oracle’s government solutions experts highlighted ways in which e-government adoption can improve citizen services, increase visibility and accountability into public sector finances, boost human resources management capabilities, and enhance public services for citizens.

Visiting speakers from the Abu Dhabi Department of Finance presented their experience from the e-government transformation in the Emirate. The event was highly interactive as the audience members sought to share their experiences and learn from each other.

According to Ayman Abouseif, managing director for Oracle in the Gulf States, e-government has moved from being a concept to a reality in Kuwait, but there is still considerable potential for private citizens, businesses, and public departments to further benefit from self-service opportunities and the transparency benefits that e-government can deliver.

“Oracle Applications Day for the Kuwaiti government sector highlighted the level of development so far and the ways in which both the public and private sector there for more accessible information and services,” he adds.

Autor: Sarah Gain

Quelle:, 05.12.2005

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