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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Housing Bureau is to implement an online service for new real estate agents and brokers to apply for their licenses early next year, the bureau announced yesterday.

According to the head of the Bureau’s license and supervision division, Cheong Sek Lam, the new services are to be part of the policies for building e-government as stated in the city’s five year plan.

“The introduction of the online services aims to provide an alternative way for the application [of licenses],” Mr. Cheong said during a press briefing yesterday. “People who don’t often use computers can still approach the bureau for applications, but we believe that more and more people will be using the online services”.

In principal, the online service omits the steps of submitting the application form to the Bureau in person and paying the application fee to the bank, he stated, adding that other online services such as changing address and declaration of labour relations will also be provided at a later date.

Mr. Cheong also remarked that the time to approve a broker’s application will take around 10 working days, while those for agents will take around 20 working days.

Aside from online application services, Mr. Cheong revealed that the official website of the Bureau will also provide information such as the current number of brokers and agents in the city, adding that information will be updated once a month.

According to the division head, there were 4,562 brokers and 1,456 agents approved as of October 31. Meanwhile, for the month of October, 95 brokers and 26 agents had been approved licenses by the Bureau.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Cecilia U

Quelle/Source: Macau Business Daily, 09.11.2016

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