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The Netherlands capital has published an online map of electric vehicle charging points following contributions from citizens on desired locations in the city.

The City of Amsterdam has published a revamped map on the location and proposed location of electric vehicle charging stations following a citizen engagement project.

In a separate statement, the Netherlands said it is making it easier for network operators to work with the same connection modules for unmanned objects such as charging stations, advertising pillars and street lighting, speeding up installation.

Electric vehicle charging expansion

The City said more and more people are driving electric and the city requires around 6,000 additional charging stations by 2025. Last year, it looked for locations where new charging stations could be installed and put them on an online map.

During October-November 2022, citizens were invited to give their opinion and make suggestions for the location of charging stations on the website. A total 1,773 responses were received which has allowed the City to improve the map.

The new map at provides an overview of all charging stations that are already in the city, plus all proposals for new locations, the charging stations that are now being installed and the fast chargers.

More than 220 locations that were previously proposed, but did not go ahead, are also on the map. Based on the responses, 93 new locations have been selected.

Not every place is suitable for a charging station. It depends on many things, such as road safety, sidewalk width, lampposts, water drainage, tree roots and underground electricity cables. In addition, the City said it chooses the locations in such a way that there are charging stations everywhere in the city for residents now and in the future.

Faster network installation

Following a collaboration between energy and utility conpanies Enexis, Stedin, Liander and Connectens, which develops plug systems for public spaces, infrastructure such as electric charging stations and streetlights can use the same connection modules. The compact connection module (CAM) claims to speed up the installation of electric charging stations three times.

The first charging station for electric cars has already been connected to the CAM on the grounds of the ElaadNL knowledge and innovation centre in Arnhem.

“The pace of the energy transition is increasing and that entails a major task. That is why it is important that we, as network operators, work together and look for solutions for the amount of work that must be carried out in the coming years,” says Marlies Visser, chief operating officer of Liander, on behalf of the three network operators.

“The compact connection module is a good example of an innovation from which the network operators immediately reap the benefits because connecting charging stations, advertising pillars and street lighting, for example, is three times faster. This innovation helps to deploy the scarce capacity of technicians as smartly as possible, leaving more time to complete all the work required for the energy transition.”


Quelle/Source: Smart Cities World, 10.03.2023

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