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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Belarusian minister of transport and communications, Mikhail Borovoj, has announced that a public transit timetable database is to be made available from the Ministry's website.

The timetable database, which is to go live on 15 February, comprises 13 electronic route timetables, of six Belarusian regions, six regional urban centres and the city of Minsk. The timetables allow users to choose the most convenient routes, to check prices, schedules and travel times. While such sites are commonplace in Western Europe, in Belarus, the site is an e-government first.

At present, the country has 5,494 public traffic routes: some 1,381 city routes, 3,172 in the suburbs, 812 intercity routes and 129 international routes. Some 4.316 are publicly run by the state and 1,200 are privately delivered. Every day, 3.75m passengers across the country take 52,000 trips.

Autor: Mikhail Doroshevich

Quelle: DMeurope, 18.01.2005

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