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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Companies of the Republic of Korea will help Belarus develop the systems of paperless trade and electronic archives. This information was placed on the website of the Communications and Informatization Ministry after the visit of the representatives of Kiny & Partners, KTNET, and Ahnlab to Belarus, BelTA has learned.

These companies will implement projects in the Belarusian- South Korean center of cooperation in information technologies. The main objective of the center is the provision of help to Belarus in the development of the information society taking into account the experience of South Korea in the application of cutting-edge technologies. In particular, it is planned to exchange experience, provide technical assistance and organize consultations to promote the development of the information society and implement projects to design and apply e-government technologies.

This year the center has launched the projects to develop the national system of paperless trade, electronic archives, promotion of information security. After the visit the sides agreed that the company Kiny & Partners implementing a technical aid project for the development of electronic archives in Belarus will present a report on the current situation in this sector in Belarus in Minsk. KTNET involved in the development of the national system of paperless trade will organize a training visit for Belarusian specialists to the Republic of Korea. The company Ahnlab will organize training in information security for 15 Belarusian specialists.

A session of the joint coordination committee of the Center to discuss the implementation of projects in 2017 and projects for 2018 will take place in December.


Quelle/Source: Belarus News, 04.09.2017

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