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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev urged to develop more actively the e-government system with a control component for a more efficient use of local budgets.

“Financial control institutions have been established only in a third of all municipal entities,” the president said at a session of the council for the development of local self-government on Tuesday. He criticized the problem of an inefficient use of the local budgets. “Certainly, it is impossible and senseless to create such structures in all municipalities,” Medvedev believes. “But it is necessary to develop the e-government system with the control function and utmost transparency for the people,” the president believes. “This is the task of municipal authorities,” he added. “People should receive competent answers to the questions they are interested in,” the president believes.

Alongside, Medvedev noted that people should feel like searching for the information and communicating with the authorities in the electronic mode. “We can introduce as many modern and sophisticated technologies as we can, but without their massive use, without putting these technologies into practice we will make no headway,” he said with regret. “Much depends on the chiefs of municipalities in this aspect,” the president believes.

Medvedev reminded that in the previous year the revenues of local budgets amounted to 2.4 trillion roubles that makes about 18 % of Russia’s consolidated budget. “Therefore, the problem is not only in the shortage of funds, but also in the inefficient use of the available ones,” the president underlined.


Quelle/Source: ITAR-TASS, 05.10.2010

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