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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Rucamp “creative class” festival, which is opening in Moscow, brings together Internet experts, futurologists, programmers, and media people. The discussion of such global topics as “The State Tomorrow”, “Education Tomorrow”, “Media Tomorrow”, and “Human Beings Tomorrow”, is organized in unofficial format and more resembles an “unbridled brain storm” than anything else.

Speaking about the “State of Tomorrow”, the participants of the festival put a particular stress on the electronic government (e-Government).

Meaning the services the State will introduce due to electronic services, the programme director of “The State Tomorrow” topic and the General Director of the “Strateg” agency Yekaterina Aksyonova: "The main thing here is to cover electronic government services, obtaining data through the Internet, and interaction between the State and the people, which is of paramount importance for both the present and the future. All reporters will speak about that."

The author of electronic state projects is Ivan Begtin, who recently opened a site, “RosGosZatraty”, containing detailed information about state contracts. This resource will help you understand how budgetary money is spent – for example, for purchasing computers or for the opening of various sites. This is a bottomless source of information about our state. And the famous e-Government expert Viktor Gridnev will provide information, which will make it possible for us to understand how e-Government is governed.

All reports will be of great help for budding Internet experts. There’re people among them who have a dream to create an exact system to describe all electronic services - state Wikipedia, which would include all organizations, including the district ones. Besides, there’re wonderful projects, concerning the monitoring of the city environment and methods to be used to inform the housing and communal services on that score, continues Yekaterina Aksyonova:

"Such a project is being perfected in Perm. Now, if its residents see an open manhole, a broken street lamp or a broken fence, they can send a report by e-mail or use a mobile phone to report to the StreetJournal portal. And the city authorities have to look through the coming reports, to react to them and to post photos, showing that the problem has been eliminated."

"Such systems, created on the public initiative, are operational now in many cities in the USA. They have improved considerably the condition of the city environment and reduced expenses on its maintenance. Because keeping track of minor problems to finally eliminate them is cheaper than waiting for a micro-catastrophe in a separate city," Yekaterina Aksyonova says.

Therefore, e-Government is an ideal instrument to give a boost to Russia’s progress and to promote the settlement of its main tasks, including the fight against corruption, bureaucracy and the building of a civil society, when people and the government will effectively interact with each other.


Quelle/Source: The Voice of Russia, 16.07.2010

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