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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Russian regions have created 1,100 systems that can become a part of the future e-Government, Moscow Mayor has said.

"In 2008, the president of Russia approved an information society development strategy," Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said at a joint meeting of the State Council and the presidential Council for the Development of Information Society yesterday.

He delivered a report titled "Regional Experience and Major Obstacles in the Development of Information Society and E-Government".

"During this time, regions have created 1,100 solutions for the first stage of e-Government, and this should be done quickly," he said.

He mentioned Tatarstan where a housing capital repair monitoring system is working, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area where a regional databank of natural resources has been created, and Khabarovsk where a unified city utilities monitoring system has been put in place.

"Moscow has the electronic Muscovite's card which serves both as an ID and a payment means.


Quelle/Source: Press Trust of India, 24.12.2009

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